Monday, May 10, 2010

Giddy on update!

OMG, I'm sitting here watching GAC (Great American Country) on TV and they are playing music videos of all of my husband's. Yes, I said husband's. When it comes to hot guys with southern accents singing country music aka. Jason Aldean, Luke Bryan, Chris Young etc., I'm sold.
So now that you know my weakness, I'm going to continue on about how my parents totally ditched me and went to go eat dinner and left me here with NO food to eat. It's ALMOST Stagecoach all over again. Okay, I lied. We have plenty of food in the cabinets for me to eat, I'm just being overly dramatic. After about, 20 minutes of going back and forth from the fridge to the cabinets, my cousin Sarah totally saved the day and told me to eat eggos. Yum. However, I go into the freezer only to find that we have no eggos. We only have Aunt Jemima type waffles. So as I'm sitting here typing this, I'm eating these waffles as if they are a completely foreign substance. They aren't eggos so therefore I don't like them. Okay, I'm done ranting about my non eggo waffles.
Today felt like a really pointless day. I had a whole list of things I wanted to accomplish for the day and I didn't accomplish any of them. Instead of coming home and cleaning my room (You could very well break your neck when you step foot into the death trap I call my room) and doing homework like a good little college student, I came home and took a nap. It was supposed to be a 10 minute power nap and it turned into a 3 hour power nap. I'm normally not a "nap" person, but my bed just looked so comfortable I couldn't resist! So with that being said, my room is still hazardous and my homework is still not done. I think this calls for another "oh gee oh gosh". I guess I feel that updating a blog is more important than college and clean rooms.
Anyways, this blog update is totally for my cousin ( ) because she said she was going to kill me if I didn't update it soon. So here it is, Sarah!! :)